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Less than 15 replies. uuuhhh WTF!! lol xDAngel_Of_Light119
Less than 15 replies. Whats Cyfer_vG118
Less than 15 replies. New Game style :) (WINNER ANNOUNCED)Cyfer_vG1037
Less than 15 replies. Quick QuestionCyfer_vG520
More than 15 Replies. Less than 30 replies. Oh my! yet another game?!(WINNER ANNOUNC...Cyfer_vG2336
More than 15 Replies. Less than 30 replies. New Game (WINNER ANNOUNCED)Cyfer_vG1829
Less than 15 replies. Stop itDhruv327
Less than 15 replies. ok, how is it possibleKinG_of_KinGs443
Less than 15 replies. Building classFuumaz434
Less than 15 replies. Town CitizenshipStaff laylar73842
Less than 15 replies. now here is something funny lolAngel_Of_Light220
Less than 15 replies. send some more_Anubis_534
Less than 15 replies. The Game going better and betterTalmz130
Less than 15 replies. GreetingsVin Diesel427
Less than 15 replies. Scratch CardsPrince 1328
Less than 15 replies. Super Rare ScratchcardKarate Bull326
Less than 15 replies. name change anyone :PLyonasi827
Less than 15 replies. Forum Name ColourPrince 1011
Less than 15 replies. life s betterslothier321
Less than 15 replies. City Rankings?Acid_Rain464
Less than 15 replies. demonslothier225
Less than 15 replies. lvl 1000KinG_of_KinGs442
Less than 15 replies. Such a Noob_Anubis_339
Less than 15 replies. W3 acting up?Cyferism523
Less than 15 replies. Live Hi Lo and Free Gold DW W2Brockdrax228
Less than 15 replies. Revive TimesAsmodeus629
Less than 15 replies. HmmCyferism115
More than 30 replies. GAME TIME 2 (WINNER ANNOUNCED)Cyferism3144
More than 15 Replies. Less than 30 replies. GAME OF THE MONTH!! (WINNER ANNOUNCED)Cyferism2738
Less than 15 replies. does anyoneCyferism08
Less than 15 replies. i lost 31 clan madelGola116
Less than 15 replies. got any advice or clue for thisMaster Ryan322
Less than 15 replies. i have bout INNGola111
Less than 15 replies. Game RulesSasuke13121
Less than 15 replies. Now the mighty Jiger fallsCyferism521
Less than 15 replies. Dodona Down :PCyferism216
More than 15 Replies. Less than 30 replies. Game Time (WINNER ANNOUNCED)Cyferism2030
Less than 15 replies. i love high level (why??)disya137
Less than 15 replies. loligo caveslothier116
Less than 15 replies. First Time EVERBishop743

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